Doing freelancing is a widely popular choice for people who does not want to be tied down by a office hour job. Just go register with any of the freelance websites like Elance and Freelancer, one can starting bidding for jobs from people looking for freelancers who specialize in designing websites, article writing etc.
Do you know that people like willing to pay as high as $10 for a very well written article? Some jobs may require an article to be rewritten so as to make it unique and unless you have a content re-writer tool, most of us may find it challenging to churn out unique articles.
So if you are sick and tired of the corporate jungle and have a flair for writing or website design etc, you want soon realize that being a freelancer is a much better option than tying ourselves down with a job that doesn't provide flexibility (choose how many hours to work) and mobility (choose where to work from).