Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Son's favourite song

Son's Favourite Song

Son: Thomas and his friends.......
SGFemale: What?
Son: Thomas and his friends.....
SGFemale: There's 2, there's 4, there's 6, there's 8, shunting trucks and hauling freight.....
Son: I know, I know, mummy
Son: It's Thomas and his friends......
Son: Thomas and his friends......
Son: Thomas and his friends......
SGFemale: Ok, ok, enough of your Thomas and his friends!!!!

Thomas the Tank Engine 2 4 6 8 PBS Theme Song

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight,
red and green and brown and blue,
they're the really useful crew,
All with different roles to play,

Round Tidmouth sheds or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends,
Thomas and friends

Thomas, he's the cheeky one,
James is vain but lots of fun,
Percy pulls the mail on time,
Gordon thunders down the line,
Emily really knows her stuff,
Henry toots and huffs and puffs,
Edward wants to help and share,
Toby, well let's say, he's square

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight,
Shunting trucks and hauling freight,
red and green and brown and blue,
they're the really useful crew,
All with different roles to play,
Round tidmouths or far away,
Down the hills and round the bends,
Thomas and friends

- SGFemale

New uniform for the kid

Our son's childcare centre moved in June and we just received notice last Thursday that they are changing their uniform as well.

While sending our son to the centre this morning, I bought 2 sets of uniform for him.

I hand-washed both sets of uniform this morning, and now it's ready for him.

He shall wear his new and clean uniform to school tomorrow.

Btw, the 2 sets of uniform costs the unemployed mother (that's me) $48, there's goes my lunch budget for the week, got to live on bread.

Hahaha...... Just joking!

- SGFemale

French fries for you?

Son: Mummy, this is what I do in class.

SGFemale: Wow.... that's cute! Can mummy have a bite?

Son: Yes, mummy! The fries is very nice!

SGFemale: Hm.... How come so little fries?

Son: I ate some, this is for you!

SGFemale: (fainted)!!!!

- SGFemale

How to eat "good food" during bad economy??

How to eat good food during bad economy like now......

Everyday I have to "crack my head" to think, what to cook my own share of lunch!!!!

While I was at the supermarket this morning, I saw this particular product which I haven't eaten for months is"on offer" again. I almost forgot about this product, haha..... Didn't want to waste the chance, I bought a packet immediately....;)

It is imitation abalone slice, made from giant squid with abalone seasoning, good for porridge and soup.

Why not???

So I decided to cook "Abalone Porridge" for my lunch today.

Some dried scallops

Cooking in progess......

After 15mins......

My "abalone porridge" is ready, yeah...;)

Although it wasn't the "real abalone", but to me, it is good enough as it is also as tasty as the real thing.

What an easily contented person!


- SGFemale

Kid's talk

Son: Papa..

SGMale: yeah?

Son: I am hungry..

SGMale: What do you want to eat?

Son: Pau ( Bun with meat inside)

SGMale: But you just had Pau yesterday

Son: I want Pau....

SGMale: Papa buy other thing for you, ok?

Son: I want Pau...I want Pau...

SGMale: No..

Son: Whoa!!! I want Pau....

SGMale: Ok lah, ok lah...Pau Kia ( Son of Pau)....[Sigh..]

Son: hehehe...;P

Back to the arms of M1

As my contract with Singtel ends on Jul 09, so I decided to switch back to M1 which was my service provider for 8 years before I signed a 2 years contract with Singtel on 2007.

To me, M1 is still the BEST !!!!! Be it their services, rewards, promotions, they got the best coverage so far, that's my personal thinking. Back in Aug 200, I encountered reception problems with Singtel during my 1st month of contract, but I got no choice cos I didn't want to breach the contract and ended up paying few hundreds of dollars for penalty.

So..... I retained my old numbers and was given a $100 discount, I got a new Nokia E71, paying just $98.

My old Nokia 6300 and new Nokia E71 handphone


A happy and satisfied consumer back to the arms of M1 finally!!!!

- SGFemale

Toilet in Singapore

If only all toilets in Singapore are of this standard.....

These are taken at Paragon Orchard.

Although our new toilet isn't that good as above, but still consider ok, better than those at coffeeshop!

- SGFemale

Chocolate Research Facility

While passing by Wheelock Place, we saw an advertisement on the glass entrance door.
We followed the address stated on it and found this very interesting shop at level 2.

It's a very nice, neat and unique boutique-cum-cafe with 2 outlets in Singapore, Millenia Walk and Wheelock Place.

Chocolate Research Facility

They claimed to be the world's first: Chocolate bars offering 100 different flavours.

Their range of chocolates include connoisseur, exotic and double fruit series that are set to tantalize taste buds. I saw a few interesting flavours like Sichuan pepper, Lychee Martini, Earl Grey Tea, Longan, HoneyDew and many more.....

Their product comes with attractive printed packaging which would draw attention of passer-by to focus on them, that's what it does to me.

Moreover, they promise that you'll be left - BREATHLESS.

Price range from $8 to $12 for a 8cm x 12 cm bar.

- SGFemale

Lucky Baby Toddler Bed

We got a new bed for our son.

It's a Lucky Baby Toddler Bed.
Our son really loves his new bed!!!

It's made from high density polyuretane foam with detachable outer cover for washing.
It is comfortable and safe with no hard or sharp pointed angles.
It came with a pillow and an extra set of bedsheet, with a reasonable price of $149.

Have a good sleep and sweet dreams to my dear!!!

- SGFemale