Friday, September 11, 2009

Counting down to my birthday

Another counting down......

Would people still be counting down to their birthday?

Of cos, they would, if they are still young.

Would ladies after their 30s be counting down to their birthday every year happily?

No, yes or maybe ?

SGFemale would be.

She would be happy to count down.....

She is always looking forward to her birthday every year, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd......

Next month, SGFemale will be turning 34 years old.

Oops! Other ladies are all worrying about people knowing their ages and here SGFemale is revealing her age openly.

Well, it's a fact and everyone will grow "old"!

So whenever people asked SGFemale about her age, she would just say it.

SGFemale remembered clearly that last year during her birthday day, she and SGMale were flying off to Yunnan and Shangri-la. This year, she will be spending her birthday in Singapore, not in Europe, the romantic city. If only we depart on 7th Oct, not only can she celebrate her birthday in Europe but also get to visit Dubai as well.

Ok, nevermind, we are still young, we can go there next time, with our "grown-up" son.

Note to SGMale:

Where are we celebrating my birthday this year?

When can I have my present?

What is my birthday present?

LV bag from Paris? (just joking?) I already received my "countless" present from you during our KL trip (Guess hat, Coach bag, 4 pcs of Mickey T-shirts and a skirt), so no need to get present.

However, if you "rich man" insisted, SGFemale is most welcome.

* A birthday cake is MUST-have, so that our son can blow the candles, make sure you get 34 pcs of candles, hahaha.....;)

Suggestion of gift IF YOU INSISTED:



* Cash and cheque would be highly recommended, cos SGFemale is not working at the moment, cash is running low....;)

SGFemale feel that her lower part of this blog will soon be deleted or ignored by SGMale, hee...
PS: I am just joking, the trip to Europe is already the BEST gift, as we could still go holiday and also a "high-end holiday" when I am still unemployed with this poor economy.

- SGFemale

No more Dubai

Yes, we are counting down to Europe, and it's just Europe!

No more Dubai!!!!!

Apparently, that guy who sold the tour package got it wrong, there's no free 3 days 2 nights land package for Dubai, for those departing in Sept. And in our group of 30 paxs which is departing in 25 Sept, we are the only 2 paxs that have been "package" with the Dubai land package. They just called us on this Wed stating that, it's their internal miscommnication!!

We were both MAD ANGRY and DISAPPOINTED !!!

What they can do is to compensate $80/pax !
For those going on Oct, and for the same price we are paying, they got to go to Dubai!

What a joke!!!!

Does the 3 days 2 nights land package for 2 worth only $160???

We booked the tour because we feel that with the kind of price we are paying, and with Dubai, it is really worth it. And now ??? No Dubai !!!

We have been thinking and thinking!!!! Should we brought the case up to CASE or to just cancel the trip?

If we brought the case up to CASE, firstly, it's very troublesome and the departuring date is approaching soon..... secondly, even if they can handle it on time, do they have enough time to book the hotel (Dubai) and flight (extension of 3 days) for us?

If we cancelled the whole package and get a full refund, it would be a great disappointment cos we have been counting down and looking forward to the tour.

So we went to the travel agency and see if there's anything they can do for us.

After an hour and 15 mins of discussion with the person-in-charge, we were both satisfied with their compensation and decide to go ahead with the tour.

For the next few days, SGFemale will be washing the new winter jackets and pants that we bought specially for this trip!

Hopefully, this incident will not affect our mood during the tour cos the guy who we negotiate the compensation term with will be leading this tour!!!

- SGFemale

Working as a Temp (Part 2)

SGFemale received another call from the agency again this Monday (7th Sept), asking if she was able to work as a temp receptionist for 2 days (8th and 9th Sept).

SGFemale agreed after hearing the job's details cos again it was quite near to her house.

The company is to provide a safe, prompt and efficient response to oil spill incidents.

They claimed : The key to effective response lies in the expertise of people to solve problems and understanding the issues surrounding oil spills and the preparation of equipment. We pride ourselves on the quality of our people and the reliability of our equipment to meet response needs.

Now, SGFemale must say, working there is quite simple, just answering and transferring of calls, sorting and distributing of letters. So most of the time, SGFemale was quite bored, there's isn't many calls to answer (about 10 to 15). SGFemale was sitting there doing nothing and earning "easy money".


- SGFemale

Working as a Temp (Part 1)

To kill time and to earn extra while waiting for a permanent job to come by, SGFemale started to work as a Temp last Thursday (3rd Sept).

SGFemale received a call from the job agency last Wednesday evening to ask if she is available the next morning to work in a lab. It was a last minute and urgent assignment. After hearing the details of the job, SGFemale agreed.

The work place was very near to our house, and SGFemale always imagine herself working there as a perm, she longed to have the chance. And yes, she had the chance now, even as a Temp, she's happy and contented.

The company being the biggest and best confectionery in the world, they make and sell three kinds of confectionery, chocolate, gum and candy. They operate in over 60 countries and have about 50,000 employees. They claimed that everyday millions of people in the world enjoy their brands.

Personally, SGFemale and SGMale are also the fans of this brand and their products.

Despite the tiring work load, SGFemale enjoyed working there, the nice and clean enviroment, and most of all, nice and friendly colleagues. One other fact that SGFemale must mention, the ladies there really have good team-work and having good relationship with one another unlike other places with lots of politics.


It was only an assignment of a day.

- SGFemale

* For some reasons, SGFemale can't disclose too much details regarding this assignment.

Kid's talk - counting

3 of us were sitting at the living room together, accompanying SGson to watch his fave Thomas and Friends DVD.

SGMale: Dear, our son can now count from 1 to 29 in English, he "showing off" to me while in the car back home this evening!

SGFemale: Wow... that's good, show me. But how come till 29 only?

SGMale: We will demo it again and you will understand.

SGMale: 1, 2....

SGson: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

SGFemale: That's all???

SGMale: No, that's not all.

SGFemale: Then what's after that?

SGMale: Bao bei, what's after 29?

SGSon thought for a while then answered.

SGson: 20/10 (Twenty-ten)

SGFemale laughed loudly, hahaha.....

SGFemale: Why "twenty-ten"?

SGson: Cos twenty-eight, twenty-nine so "twenty-ten".

Conclusion: Kids are really so cute and innocent.

- SGFemale

Kid's talk - sleeping together

While putting SGson to bed , he looked up at SGFemale and asked her a few questions.

SGson: Mummy, I grow up already so must sleep alone by myself ah?

SGFemale: Yes, bao bei.

SGson: Mummy, I cannot sleep with you?

SGFemale: No, you are a big boy already so must sleep by yourselves. ok. Be a good boy and go to sleep.

SGson: ok, mummy, good nite.

SGFemale: Good nite, baobei.

SGFemale kissed SGson on his forehead and when she was about to leave the room, SGson called out to her again.

SGson: Mummy, then you must sleep with papa ah?

SGFemale: Yes, and go to sleep now.

SGson: But papa is an adult, he could sleep alone, I am small, mummy must sleep with me.

SGFemale didn't know how to reply him.

SGson: Can 3 of us sleep together then?

SGFemale: No, it would be very crowded for the 3 of us to sleep together.
(actually, it's still ok for 3 to "squeeze" onto our king-sized bed, but we just want to start training him to sleep alone in the next room.)

SGson: Ok, mummy. I will sleep now. Good nite, mummy!

SGson kissed SGFemale's cheek, and SGFemale left the room.
But when she closed the door behind her, she heard SGson calling her again.

SGson: Mummy, it's very dark and I am scared, can I sleep with you?

SGFemale ignored him and went into the master bedroom, cos she knew that it's never ending, cos SGson is very long-winded and like to repeat again and again (f0r the same question).

After 15 mins, SGFemale went over to check on SGson, he was already asleep.

* Can you imagine SGFemale sleeping on SGson's toddler bed, both mother and son on the small toddler bed? Don't laugh cos it does happened!!!!
SGMale was shaking his head when he saw that, hahaha!

- SGFemale