Monday, September 14, 2009

Birthday present (Part 1)


SGFemale received her very 1st birthday present one month in advance.

SGMale got the hint !!!

As SGFemale have to stay home last Saturday for a gathering with her 2 friends (L & I) . SGMale went to the Comex shows himself at Suntec City.

SGMale returned home with a paperbag with a box of "don't know what". It was then after SGFemale's friends left then he told her about his great buy - a multi-media player. SGMale started to install his "new toy" and at the same time, "promoting" it to SGFemale.

Then SGMale mentioned casually that there's a D&G watches sale at Suntec, having a discount of up to 70%. SGFemale replied that D&G wasn't so popular now!!! Then, SGMale said he had bought a D&G watch for her. SGFemale doesn't believe him until he showed it to her.

It is a very beautiful and "special" watch, with a very unique colour.

This is really a surprise.
SGFemale like it very much!

Thank you, dear!

- SGFemale

Is the economy really picking up?

We have hear over the news that the worst part of the economic downturn is over and Singapore is into its recovery mode now.

Well, SGMale never expect the recovery news to turn into something so immediate. This month alone, two of my colleagues have found a better job and have hence tendered their resignation. So what am i waiting for? Hm...well...SGMale has been wanting to take a long long break after all these years of working but since SGFemale is still out of job, this break has to be postponed again.

By the way, SGMale may be forced to take his break soon as the company that he is assigned to and worked for the past 3 years have been bought over and there will be postitions made redundant after the transition periods are over.

So...SGMale is in fact adopting a 'wait and see' attitude now and is NOT looking for a job at all..;P


Info-tech Shows

IT shows. Sitex shows. Comex shows. PC shows.

Quarterly shows that are ever so familiar & popular with people who love playing around with gadgets, especially those working in the Information Technology industry.

Hundreds of exhibitors will feature a dynamic and comprehensive line-up of the latest and hottest consumer technology gadgets from new next-generation digital televisions, wireless HD, coolest new multimedia phone, ultra mobile PCs, Digital Imaging, Wireless Technology, Portable Entertainment, HDTV, Plasmas, Gaming, MP3, Networking, Digital Media, Audio & Home Entertainment/Lifestyle Products, Broadband Technology, Multimedia, Security, Software, Consumer Electronics to a plethora of accessories all on display.

SGMale used to buy things that are on sale and also those that are very very cheap ONLY during the show. Given the current state of the economy, SGMale is no longer so 'generous'. He starts to think about 'Is it a need or a want?', what's the impact if i get it during the next show?

SGMale has becames a more 'mature' consumer. Since SGFemale is still on a 'Tai Tai' status, SGMale has to be more thrifty than ever. For example, instead of spending at least $900 - $1500 on a wall-mountable Blu-ray player, SGMale got a multi-media player ( for $229)that can play off multimedia of any formats ( MP3, Mp4, AVI, DIVX, RSS among all other blu-ray encoders..etc ).

SGMale applied for Amex card so that he can start getting 10 times as many reward points compared to other credit cards which he intend to cancel. To SGMale, he is going to use just one card for all future purchase of big ticket items.

SGMale also got a few watches from one of the showroom that sells branded watches. Latest model of D&G watches that are selling at hundreds of dollars were selling at 60 - 70% discount. SGMale was lucky for being able to 'squeeze' in to the very crowded and packed showroom and grab a few very good buys.

In order to have the best bang for our bucks in times like this, it is better to think thrice before buying anything..haha!
