Sunday, July 6, 2008

Most recent food crave

Not sure when it all started but I have been craving for both Char Siew and Roosted Pork rice and I have been ordering them for lunch and dinner unknowingly.

My favourite store is at West Coast Road. Their duck rice, char siew and roosted pork is one of the best I have eaten so far...the place is somewhere near to the West Coast Market.

It will probably take me a while to find another source of food crave...


Sailing Tall Ship Pallada from Russia

While we were walking along the 2nd floor shopping mall and both of us suddenly see the mast of a ship out the glass door facing the sea overseeing Sentosa..

Out of curiousity, we went out to take a look and we saw lots of people going up and down the ship and there were quite a lot of Russian sailors walking around..not sure what are they doing here at Vivocity, anyway we went up and took many photo as though we are tourists...;)

Front of the ship

Side view

Entrance/Exit to the ship - one way traffic

Steering wheel

Central mast of the ship..


ABC Song

SGFemale: ABCD..EF

Son: G..

SGFemale: SmartBoy!

SGFemale: HIJK..LMNO..

Son: P..

SGFemale: dear...our son is so smart..

SGFemale: QRS..TUV..

Son: W..

SGFemale: wow...fantastic...

SGFemale:XY & ..

Son: Z...

SgFemale: Now I know my ABC, why don't you come and sing with me..

Son: Yawn...
