Friday, May 30, 2008

City Square - JB

Finally...we made it to JB..Haha! Since SGFemale and myself don't have to work this afternoon, we decided to sneak in to JB and YES!! We are very thrilled by the traffic conditions... it was so so so smooth...we reached our destination without a glitch!!

City Square has not changed much since the last time we came.

We had our lunch at a restaurant call Stone Grilled...really value for money cos the cost of the food is equivalent to Singapore but we pay in RM..;)

Freshly-made lime juice and Soursop juice..

SGFemale ordered mixed grill (RM22.90).. (kid's size)

I ordered the salmon mixed seafood (RM39.90)

We passed by a confectionary shop call Lavender and the pastries they sell are so mouth-watering that we bought quite a fair bit of buns and rolls for our breakfast tomorrow.

Their cakes are so nice...

We had some light snack and cake at Secret Receipe before we return to SG..

We spent about 3 hours at City Square before returning to fetch our son from my mother-in-law's house.


Demise of a friend

Life is so unpredictable........a christian friend of us passed away yesterday, left behind his wife and 3 daughters.

We pay our last respect to him at the Singapore Casket and together with a group of friends, we 'saw' this friend of ours for the very last time.

So sad that life is so short and while we spend lot of time pursuing our materialistic life, we very often lack the opportunity to really sit down and think through whether have we really 'live' our life to the fullest...

This has suddenly change my perspective of life and it has really cause me to think about what I really want to do in I really doing what I enjoy or just doing for the sake of bring home the bacon...sigh...why can't human has a life span of 1000 years...75 years on average is too damn short and before we come to realise what we really want in life, most of us is already in our 40-50s...too late to turn back and restart afresh...

I have realise one important thing though...BE TRUE TO OURSELVES and if there is anything we want to do, JUST DO IT!!!
