Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Picnic at Lower Pierce Reservior

Since the weather was fine, we decided to bring our son and his favourite toybike to the Lower Pierce Reservior. Although the air and scenery there was very good, we were invaded by lots of unwelcomed guest [Giant Ants] from all over the place.

After about half an hours of fighting them, we surrendered and decided to pack up and leave for the mini-playground nearby. Our son's eye immediately brightens up when he saw the slides that were attached to the playground.

After allowing our son to indulge in sliding down almost 20 times over, we left the place in a hurry as it was going to rain soon.

May visit the Upper Pierce Reservior next time, no promise.


Thomas & Friends train set for our kiddie

Decided to buy the set for our son since it was on offer on a Children's Day. This train set has a very well designed route that features it going around sending some tiny metal balls across to a few stations. Every move was well planned. After performing it's tasks at the last station, the train will move back to the first station and the entire process started again in a endless loop fashion. Our boy was so intrigued by it that he kept staring at the set, trying to figure out the entire process..haha..
