Monday, August 11, 2008

Arcade Craze - when will it ever end..?

Cling! Cling! Cling!

SGFemale: Quick! A bit to the, a bit to the right lah....

SGMale: Aiyah...see lah..the grabbing mechansim need repairing, it's so loose..

SGFemale: Yah! Yah! Yah! Blame it all on the speechless machine man!

SGMale: I will go change another set of token..

Son: Hurray!

See...that's what happen whenever we walk past an arcade inside shopping malls. Anyway, most of the time, our son is with us when we play and therefore we do have a small 'scapegoat' if harvest is no good at the end of the catch...;)

Wonder if there is any rehabitation centre for curing AA [Arcade Addict] like us..


Dinner at Pizza Hut

Haha..once again, we are again tempted to see out despite the many naggy advice from our old folks that nothing beats home cooked food. Well...anyway here we are sitting inside the PizzaHut Restaurant together with our son.

The service crew was kind enough to reserve a sofa seat for us after I express my desire to have a sofa seat since we have to place our son on a baby chair, it would be easier to feed him.

Finally, the food arrived..our long awaited pizza..and the rest of the food.

So after the heavy meal, we again tell ourselve we should try to have home cooked food next time round..


Running Track

It always feels good after a jog at the running track near our place. Though there are more people jogging over the weekends but I guess that is the only chance I can get to trim and burn off those extra fat/calories I have accumulated over the many heavy meals I have had over the weeks.

Running on the running tracks is a healthier choice for me because it really beats running off the roadside where one gets to breathe in all those carbon monoxide from all passing vehicles.

Till the day we move to another location in Singapore, I will probably use the running track for as long as I could unless it is raining in which I will make use of the Gym.
