Monday, July 14, 2008

New toy from Samsung

Finally I manage to reserve and get this long-awaited multi-function phone. The best part of this phone other than its unique touchscreen capabilities, it has this iphone look-alike interface that never fails to intrigue me...this phone should last me for at least 2-3 year i hope..;)

Only get to paid slightly over $200 buck for this new toy after re-contracting my phone service and trading in my old N95 phone.

So far this phone has not failed me yet in terms of features and it's amazing battery life...


Handi Massager

Brought this massager from Bugis Junction. In our opinion, it manage to achieve the same desired effect as that of the OSIM massager which costs many times more..

Will be using this very often as we are both victims of frequent shoulder and backache.

Sign of getting old huh!


Electronic keyboard for our son

Our son seems to have special liking for electronic keyboard, hence we decided to buy one for him last weekend. He was very happy and excited as we unwrap his new toy for him..children being children..they are always so happy with the simplest thing in life..unlike we grow old and old, it takes more and more materialistic things to make us happy....sometimes we should not forget to relive those childhood happy moments as they are indeed priceless!


Spolit School Bus

We will need to get another toy school bus for our son as he's favourite school bus decided to end it's miserable life [always get dropped down from high place by our son] recently...weep *.*

Will probably get one for him this weekend..


Masterpiece from our son

It is always very nice to see our son bringing home his artworks from the childcare centre. His most recent masterpiece manage to bring endless smiles to SGFemale's face. TO be honest, we are both very proud of what he can do now.

As we watch him grow day by day, we also realise that we are getting older and older as well. We must always remind ourselves to spend more time with him while we can. When he grows up and have his own groups of friends, we will not have the opportunity to 'bond' with him anymore..time and tide waits for no man...DO IT NOW! Yeah!!


Home Threater System

We manage to redeem the Home Threater System 2 Sundays ago. As we did not bring any carry aids with us, I have to carry the entire box all the way to the car which is across the road on the next building. It was no doubt very good exercise for the heart though..;)

We set it up almost immediately upon reaching home as we could not wait to hear & witness the sound effects..

The box comes with 4+1 speakers and 1 Sub Woofer. Setting them up was a breeze..the real challenge was to tied neatly all the loose ends of wirings...I manage to bundle the entire barbs of wirings together under a wrap of plastic covers that comes with the speakers.

The sound effect was indeed very good as we watch our rental DVD over it.

