Monday, August 11, 2008

Arcade Craze - when will it ever end..?

Cling! Cling! Cling!

SGFemale: Quick! A bit to the, a bit to the right lah....

SGMale: Aiyah...see lah..the grabbing mechansim need repairing, it's so loose..

SGFemale: Yah! Yah! Yah! Blame it all on the speechless machine man!

SGMale: I will go change another set of token..

Son: Hurray!

See...that's what happen whenever we walk past an arcade inside shopping malls. Anyway, most of the time, our son is with us when we play and therefore we do have a small 'scapegoat' if harvest is no good at the end of the catch...;)

Wonder if there is any rehabitation centre for curing AA [Arcade Addict] like us..
