Monday, September 14, 2009

Is the economy really picking up?

We have hear over the news that the worst part of the economic downturn is over and Singapore is into its recovery mode now.

Well, SGMale never expect the recovery news to turn into something so immediate. This month alone, two of my colleagues have found a better job and have hence tendered their resignation. So what am i waiting for? Hm...well...SGMale has been wanting to take a long long break after all these years of working but since SGFemale is still out of job, this break has to be postponed again.

By the way, SGMale may be forced to take his break soon as the company that he is assigned to and worked for the past 3 years have been bought over and there will be postitions made redundant after the transition periods are over.

So...SGMale is in fact adopting a 'wait and see' attitude now and is NOT looking for a job at all..;P
