SGFemale received another call from the agency again this Monday (7th Sept), asking if she was able to work as a temp receptionist for 2 days (8th and 9th Sept).
SGFemale agreed after hearing the job's details cos again it was quite near to her house.
The company is to provide a safe, prompt and efficient response to oil spill incidents.
They claimed : The key to effective response lies in the expertise of people to solve problems and understanding the issues surrounding oil spills and the preparation of equipment. We pride ourselves on the quality of our people and the reliability of our equipment to meet response needs.
Now, SGFemale must say, working there is quite simple, just answering and transferring of calls, sorting and distributing of letters. So most of the time, SGFemale was quite bored, there's isn't many calls to answer (about 10 to 15). SGFemale was sitting there doing nothing and earning "easy money".
- SGFemale