Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How to eat "good food" during bad economy??

How to eat good food during bad economy like now......

Everyday I have to "crack my head" to think, what to cook my own share of lunch!!!!

While I was at the supermarket this morning, I saw this particular product which I haven't eaten for months is"on offer" again. I almost forgot about this product, haha..... Didn't want to waste the chance, I bought a packet immediately....;)

It is imitation abalone slice, made from giant squid with abalone seasoning, good for porridge and soup.

Why not???

So I decided to cook "Abalone Porridge" for my lunch today.

Some dried scallops

Cooking in progess......

After 15mins......

My "abalone porridge" is ready, yeah...;)

Although it wasn't the "real abalone", but to me, it is good enough as it is also as tasty as the real thing.

What an easily contented person!


- SGFemale