Today is the 7th day of the Chinese New Year and this is the best date for Yu Sheng.
By the chinese traditional custom, it is an auspicious date as it is also the "Ren Ri" (Everyman's birthday).
What is Yu Sheng ?
It is a salad dish made up of thin slices of raw fish and various spices, mixed with tossing by the diners. Tossing of Yu Sheng means prosperity and longevity, adding to the good wishes and good luck for the new year.
It is believed that Yu Sheng has its origins in southern China. Legend has it that a young man and his girlfriend found themselves stranded by bad weather at a temple with nothing to eat but a carp they had caught. Chancing upon a bottle of vinegar, they added this to the stripped carp and found it quite appetising.
Today, both SGMale and SGFemale had Yu Sheng and salmon sashimi for our dinner.
By the chinese traditional custom, it is an auspicious date as it is also the "Ren Ri" (Everyman's birthday).
What is Yu Sheng ?
It is a salad dish made up of thin slices of raw fish and various spices, mixed with tossing by the diners. Tossing of Yu Sheng means prosperity and longevity, adding to the good wishes and good luck for the new year.
It is believed that Yu Sheng has its origins in southern China. Legend has it that a young man and his girlfriend found themselves stranded by bad weather at a temple with nothing to eat but a carp they had caught. Chancing upon a bottle of vinegar, they added this to the stripped carp and found it quite appetising.
Today, both SGMale and SGFemale had Yu Sheng and salmon sashimi for our dinner.
- SGFemale