Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yu Sheng

Today is the 7th day of the Chinese New Year and this is the best date for Yu Sheng.
By the chinese traditional custom, it is an auspicious date as it is also the "Ren Ri" (Everyman's birthday).

What is Yu Sheng ?
It is a salad dish made up of thin slices of raw fish and various spices, mixed with tossing by the diners. Tossing of Yu Sheng means prosperity and longevity, adding to the good wishes and good luck for the new year.

It is believed that Yu Sheng has its origins in southern China. Legend has it that a young man and his girlfriend found themselves stranded by bad weather at a temple with nothing to eat but a carp they had caught. Chancing upon a bottle of vinegar, they added this to the stripped carp and found it quite appetising.

Today, both SGMale and SGFemale had Yu Sheng and salmon sashimi for our dinner.

- SGFemale

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy Birthday!

18-Feb-10 (Thursday)

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you both......
Happy Birthday to you!

Yes, today is the birthday of my hubby - SGMale.
Today is also the birth date of my new notebook, named Tigee.
Why is it named as Tigee?
Answer: cos it was born in the year of tiger, so we both decide to name it Tigee.
Let's hope Tigee behave herself and able to service SGFemale for at least another 5 years.
Long life to Tigee!!!!

- SGFemale

PS: SGFemale's old Sony Vaio notebook "retired" two weeks ago.....:(

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alexa Ranking

I am sure most website owners will know what is Alexa Ranking. Alexa Ranking is a very popular indicator used by many webmasters around the world to gauge how their website performance. It also bases its ranking algorithm on the level of traffic each site receives from the number of internet visitors who enter a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.

If you have a website or a blog, you may want to visit to download the plugin for your browser to display the ranking of the website you are visiting. Obviously Google is world #1 by Alexa Ranking standard followed by Facebook #2 and Youtube #3. The lower the number of your Alexa ranking, the better it is in terms of performance in the eye of ;)

Why good Alexa Ranking is must for your website?

-It will help promote credibility to your website.
-It will enhance the number of real visitors hence quality clients or sponsors.
-It helps boost your website sales as your website becomes more established
-It helps you to better monetize the website.
-It will also help fetch you a good price should you want to sell your website in the future

I believe many advertisers would be knocking at your virtual door once you achieve a ranking of below 100,000 which is considered to be very rare considering the hundreds of millions of websites out there.

SGMale hope to achieve below the 100,000 mark one of these day, hoping...


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's day!

2010 is a very special year. Having Valentine's Day and Chinese Lunar New Year on the same day bring along lots of headaches to both business owners and lovers.

As much as they want to earn some 'easy' cash from those "oh shit I didnt buy anything yet" customers/lovers, they also want to spend quality time with their love ones.

As for the couples, especially those new lovers, it is a torture for them as some may not even get to see each other at all since they will usually have a whole day relative-visiting marathon awaiting them.

To some it doesn't matter, because everyday is consider a Valentine's day so long the couples still share the same frequency and their hearts still beating under the same rhythm. ;)


Chinese Lunar New Year

Chinese Lunar New Year has arrived. Kids from around the world never fail to look forward to the coming of this festive season. Why? This is the time for them to fill their PIGGY BANK with 'Red Packets'. A few visits to relatives' houses would easily earn them pocket money that is enough for them to buy their dream Can you imagine, our SGSon got almost #300 in a day..not bad ya..($.$)

As for the parents, it is the once a year ritual for them to change fresh notes from the bank, label all the red packets with secret markings so that it is easier for them to dish out red packet that has little amount inside for those "I don't even know you at all" relatives' kids. This method really helps them 'save' money. Imagine going to a relative's place for visting and out of sudden, a huge group of his relatives come along with an army of kids. Ha..fret not..having secretly labeled Red Packets a.k.a Hong Bao will save your wallet's life here. Not sure if people still provides $2 dollar red packetsn nowadays...anyway typical Singaporean will not dish out $10 dollar red packets to "I hardly know you" relatives' kids..unless they are really filthy rich! End of the day, thriftiness is a virtue, isn't it? lol

Yes, you may have guessed. SGMale and SGFemale use similar tactics when it comes to this. We do not use secret markings, instead we make use of red packets of different designs to differentiate between the cash denominations within.

First day of the lunar new year is over for us. Pretty tired but rewarding to know that we have 'saved' some money for more important things in life..haha! Indeed, Natas Fair is coming again..hehehe...

- SGMale

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Honeymoon in Office

Due to a company wide acquisition that took place last year, SGMale find himself having lots of time in the office doing his own work. This is probably the best time in his entire career life getting paid for doing personal things. Shh....;)

Again, SGMale is making the best of this time to enrich his knowledge in the area of Internet Marketing. He is hoping never to return to the 'Corporate Jungle' anymore should he get lay off after the restructuring soon. That being said, he is spending lots and lots of his personal time in front of the screen setting up all the neccessary tools to pave the way to early retirement and also towards financial freedom. He is very thankful to SGFemale who has been very supportive of him and his spending of all his time on this 'financial' project.

SGMale hope to meet his goal by end of the year by earning enough to lead a stable and yet comfortable life through his online businesses.



Starting a cooking blog

One of the website that SGMale recently started was a online resource for sharing cooking tips. For someone who doesn't cook at all, he will be very much dependent on SGFemale ( who has gone back to become a Tai Tai again) to furnish the site with useful information for anyone who wish to pick up some tips on cooking.

The website that has gone from ranking 27 millions to 14 millions in a short span of 6 days in Alexa. For those who doesn't know what is Alexa, please go and find out -->

Let's hope the website rank for this site will break below the 10 million mark soon.
