I am sure most website owners will know what is Alexa Ranking. Alexa Ranking is a very popular indicator used by many webmasters around the world to gauge how their website performance. It also bases its ranking algorithm on the level of traffic each site receives from the number of internet visitors who enter a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.
If you have a website or a blog, you may want to visit www.alexa.com/toolbar to download the plugin for your browser to display the ranking of the website you are visiting. Obviously Google is world #1 by Alexa Ranking standard followed by Facebook #2 and Youtube #3. The lower the number of your Alexa ranking, the better it is in terms of performance in the eye of Alexa.com. ;)
Why good Alexa Ranking is must for your website?
-It will help promote credibility to your website.
-It will enhance the number of real visitors hence quality clients or sponsors.
-It helps boost your website sales as your website becomes more established
-It helps you to better monetize the website.
-It will also help fetch you a good price should you want to sell your website in the future
I believe many advertisers would be knocking at your virtual door once you achieve a ranking of below 100,000 which is considered to be very rare considering the hundreds of millions of websites out there.
SGMale hope to achieve below the 100,000 mark one of these day, hoping...