Due to a company wide acquisition that took place last year, SGMale find himself having lots of time in the office doing his own work. This is probably the best time in his entire career life getting paid for doing personal things. Shh....;)
Again, SGMale is making the best of this time to enrich his knowledge in the area of Internet Marketing. He is hoping never to return to the 'Corporate Jungle' anymore should he get lay off after the restructuring soon. That being said, he is spending lots and lots of his personal time in front of the screen setting up all the neccessary tools to pave the way to early retirement and also towards financial freedom. He is very thankful to SGFemale who has been very supportive of him and his spending of all his time on this 'financial' project.
SGMale hope to meet his goal by end of the year by earning enough to lead a stable and yet comfortable life through his online businesses.