Monday, August 4, 2008

Work! Work! Work!

It's 11pm now, still awake. Don't know what to do. Write blog? What to write?
Aiyo... So stressed. Nowsadays, work load is getting more and more, heavier and heavier. Sometimes, I can't even concentrate cos there's just a lot of stuff in my mind. This is urgent! That is urgent! Aiyo....

Did I mention about my job before? My job is quite unique and "special".
I am working in Procurement in Artwork department of packaging components.
At first, I find it very interesting, but now with the extreme work load, I am growing to be sick of the job.

Every morning when I wakes up, I would be thinking, aiya... so sian, got to go work again. I am always looking forward to weekends. I always have to convince and force myself to sit up then to shower and so on.....

How I missed my "tai-tais" life......;p
But in reality, have to eat, have to spend, so must work loh....
If not in long run, will become very lazy! Moreover, during inflation, everything increases price, what to do? Cannot put all the burden on SGMale to support the whole family. With a car, it's even harder, with a son, to provide them with milk, diapers and childcare etc....

Conclusion- try to bear with it and try to love my job cos I think I am already very fortunate to be able to work!!!!

- SGFemale