Monday, August 4, 2008

NATAS Fair August 2008

We were at the Natas Fair last weekend, both on Sat and Sun..why? Because Sat is for brochure collection and Sun is for actual booking and bargains..;)

The queue was extremely long, spanning all the way from Hall 4 till Hall 6. The gift this time round was not so good as compared to the March event. Nevertheless, we got what we wanted in terms of choices of agencies.

We had in mind destinations like USA, Europe, Australia and Taiwan but ended up booking tour to China with another couple friend. Reason being the escalating cost of the airport tax and the inflation rate, we see no point in paying so much for a destination that was very much cheaper 1 year's back. We are not stingy but just could not convince ourselves to spend so much on a trip.

SGFemale may not be able to go for the October trip due to her work schedule..well, let see how.