Thursday, May 1, 2008

Visit to Nam Seng

As our son is still down with flu, persistent cough and fever and has not recovered a bit even after a visit to a clinic called Ama Keng at Jurong West. And we decided to bring him to see the doctor at Beauty World Shopping Centre whose clinic is always swarmed with lots and lots of customers.

Got a queue number of 30 even though we called in very early in the morning. After getting the queue #, we decided to hop across the road to one of the eateries for our breakfast. After that we walked over to Courts to shop for about 45minutes. Called in to check on the queue number about 2 hours later and were informed that it is already 20. By the time we arrived back at the clinic, the queue number was already at 28. Just in time! hehehe..;)

Diagnostic result: Son's nostril is slightly infected and has hence caused the cough and fever and non-stop running nose. The doctor mentioned that there are yellow color phlegm inside ( how true, nobody knows)..anyway we were charged almost $40 for the consulation and medication.

Hope the medication can perform another round of wonders yet again on my son's persistent sickness.
