It has been a while since our last blog. Yes, we know that we have been lagging behind again due to heavy work and family commitments. Anyway this is one area we hope to make improvements in this brand new year.
Below's our New Year resolution for 2010:
- To be able to get out of the IT arena before year end.
- To have multiple streams of passive income that can easily replace the active income.
- To make time to visit The Great Wall of China at Beijing and Hokkaido in Japan.
- To improve on anger management
- To upgrade to a SUV [Grand Vitara]
- To maintain healthy BMI and weight at around 70 -71KG
- To reach ideal weight which is 48KG
- To exercise at least twice a week so as to maintain healthy muscle tone and energy level
- To whip up more delicious dishes
- To be more patient with our son who is hyperactive
- Hope to bond better with our son
- To bring our son to Disneyland @ Hong Kong
- To improve on driving skill on the road, especially parking
- To either get a better job or to become a successful homemaker that can cope with all household chores
That's all. We will check back towards the end of the year and see what much we have accomplished over the year..;)
-SGMale & SGFemale