We were lucky that the hotel allowed us to check in at 12pm since there is a room ready for us. The hotel decor is very eco-friendly and we were glad that we choose to stay here. The room was spacious and there is a see-though toilet right beside. After unpacking, we rest a bit, watch a bit of documentary from the starhub channels and took a bit of bread we bought the night before to satisfy our hunger. We left for lunch at 2pm. We went to the food court at T3. SGMale ordered some tim-sum and SGFemale order a bowl of Mango ice dessert. We got a char-siu bao for our son as usual..;P
After lunch, we wandered around aimlessly and we ended up at the Crocs sale which was held right opp the TCC cafe. It was much of a sale as there isnt much varieties to choose from. We did not get anything. We returned to our room and 3 of us took a nap till 6.30pm. We then washed up and took MRT to Tampines 1 Mall. We had dinner at Manpuku [ Japanese Restaurant ]. It shares the same kind of concept as that of Marche where you are given a credit card to record all your purchases and you are supposed to surrender the card and pay up when you leave the place.

After dinner, we shopped a bit before making our way back to the hotel room. We washed up and our son slept at 10pm. SGMale and SGFemale manage to catch up 2 episodes of their HK dram series before they succumbed to the sleeping bugs.. We had breadfast inside our room and after washing up, we checked out at 11am. We left for home after depositing our son at my mum's place so that we can do wash-ups and household chores.
In retrospection, we have decided NOT to bring our son along for the next 2 stays so as to maximise our wonderful experiences at the hotel..kekeke!