Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weekend stay at Genting - Day 2

We woke up early the next morning after a good night sleep. We left for breakfast at the McDonalds after washing up. After a hearty meal, we started the day by taking some rides inside the indoor theme park. Our son was all-smiles when we hopped onto a monorail in the shape of a caterpillar.

We took a lot of shots as the monorail travels through the entire indoor theme park. It also passed through the outdoor theme park where we caught very nice view of the scenaries. We promise to bring our son here again when he gets older.

We had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant that serves very good vietnamese food, and the price was reasonable too. We took the cable car ride after lunch and we were a bit disappointed as the fog outside was rather heavy and we could hardly see a thing. Our heart lifted as the fog started to clear away after about 10 minutes.

The cable car brings us to the lower part of the Genting where there is a small shopping area. We windows-shopped a bit and took the cable car back after visiting the indoor reptiles exhibit. It was really an eye-opener for all of us as most of the reptiles were very unique and rare.

SGMale and SGFemale signed up for Worldcard membership at one of the nearby casino and also took the opportunity to try out their luck there. ;P We spent some private time with our son after my mother-in-law and her friend left us for the casino.

We regrouped back at evening time to have a sumptuous dinner at one Shanghai-ese restaurant. Their fried rice was very nicely done and so were the rest of the food that we ordered. After the dinner, it was again our turn to play the jackpot and mother-in-law took care of our son for a couple of hours.

After which we left for our room to rest and guess what...we arranged with my MIL to wake us up when they come back in the mid of the night. It was freezing cold that night and we could hardly sleep because the strong wind outside was causing a very loud haunting sound whenever it blows against the windows panes.

We left for the casino at 3.30am and we played all the way till 7am. It was very very tiring but rewarding in the sense that it is not everyday that we get to play the jackpot. Although SGMale lost about 150RM, it was fun and luckily SGFemale manage to recoup her losses during the last round of the jackpot.

We dragged our tired body back to the hotel room and SGMale collapsed onto the bed till about 10am. We washed up after that and had some light lunch before we checked out from the hotel and walked towards the bus terminal to wait for our coach back to Singapore.

The most tiring part of this trip was not the lack of sleep but the fact that we have to take turns to take care of our son. Until the time he gets older, we will probably not bring him oversea again...;P
