Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Cornell Electric Fan

Our Cornell Fan which has been with us for about 3 years or so is going on strike these two weeks.

It started off with some weird and noisy sound which apparently scared our son at night, sometimes it would be "normal", then next moment, it would be "actively noisy", waking up the poor boy from his sleep, making him cry...;(

Poor SGFemale had to rush over to stop the fan and increase the temperature for the aircon, then coax son to sleep.

Just this morning, it couldn't start. SGFemale checked and tried again and again to "rescue" the fan but in vain.

The fan is now "certified dead" and we will have to start looking for a new standing fan or a tower fan for our son.

Meantime, got to find some place to bury this fan, haha......

Any good fan to recommend???

- SGFemale