When we woke up this morning, it was raining cats and dogs. Oh mine! I thought to myself, is this a bad omen? Is God hinting me that I will fail my final theory test. Nevertheless, I forced myself out of the bed and started preparing.
I reached BBDC at 7.50am as I have a practise session at 8am. Did 3 practise books, scored 90%, 83% & 92%, failed one book out of the three. Had a quick breakfast at the caferia before I went in for the actual Final Theory test. I did my best to answered the 50 questions slowly and carefully. Guess what, after 15 minutes, I finished all the questions! And there comes the moment of truth....I ended the test by clicking "end test" and that will show the result immediately. I was very nervous and anxious to know the result, fearing that I might just fail this time again and all my hard work so far would get flushed down the drain.
Click! I opened both my eyes wide, and saw the word "PASSED" congratulating me on the screen. Yahoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Yeah! I passed! I passed my final theory test!!!! I was so relieved and happy!!!
Will apply for a "PDL" next month and start my practical practise beginning 24th Oct.
Till then, will have to focus on my new job and enjoy my holiday coming in 3 weeks' time.