Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The day has come!

Busy! Busy! Busy! Stress! Stress! Stress! Work! Work! Work!

A week passed and the much awaited day finally arrived! Still remember which day is today?
Wednesday - 20.08.2008. What a nice date to remember!

Have you forgot that I mentioned in my last blog that I have found a job?
Bingo! Today is my resignation day! Yeah!
I make it! I tendered my resignation letter to my manager this morning at 8.30am sharp (my start work hour), gave them a week's notice. I have been worrying a lot since last Tuesday worried that they might give me my confirmation letter before I tender my resignation and if that happens, I will have to stay there for another painful month.

My confirmation day turns out to be my resignation day, how ironic!! I felt so relieved after tendering my resignation and so happy when my one week's notice is confirmed. I just can't wait to get out of there!

Hahaha! Why am I so keen in resigning?? Well, I was taken for granted by my partner there, she was shocked when I told her about my resignation. She was worried cos she had given me a lot of work. And she got to finish them all before they got a replacement! Serve her RIGHT!!!!! All the complicated and difficult works with lot of troublesome issues will soon "roll" back to her table! She had even got me into trouble with the regulatory affairs personnels before! She always like to order me to do something that may offend the people from the other departments. Luckily, they finally knew that it was her who asked me to do so, they even complained to our manager that she is so Kiasu and Kia-si. She nearly fainted when our manager told her that!

Today she still got the cheek to ask me why I decided to leave? She asked "Is there anybody here that treat you badly? Someone from regulatory affairs? Or someone from Marketing?" I told her "NO" straight in her face! And she replied "Are you sure? Tell me! Who?" She kept asking and asking! Aiya!!! I should have told her that it's because of "you" that I left. Working together with her makes me think that I am getting more and more mentally retarded!

Ok, let's stop talking about her, don't let her spoilt my mood. I will be starting my new job on 3rd Sept after taking a week's break first.

SGMale was kind enough to treat me to dinner at Hilltop Japanese Restaurant to celebrate my resignation. We enjoyed our teppanyaki dinner there together with our son.

Cheers to my new job!
