Saturday, June 28, 2008

Shopping at Robinsons

As we were given $100 Robinsons Voucher when we purchased the 40 inch Samsung LCD TV recently, we hung around Raffles City to see of there is anything worth buying. Before we entered Robinsons, we were greeted by lots of posters indicating "Great Singapore Sale" with 15% storewide. Hurray!!

Just within 15 mins, I got 2 pieces of clothings, after trying them on, I decided to buy both the clothings as they are both very comfortable and fitting, and most importantly, there's a 15% discount and with another 20% for Robinsons card member, in total we are looking at 35% off. That's really one hell of a bargain! But if one were to use voucher then it's only 15% discount. After a quick discussion with SGMale, we decided to go for the 35% discount and pay cash instead of using the voucher.

Le'Range short sleeve blouse $39
(After 35% discount: $25.35)

Le'Range short sleeve blouse $29
(After 35% discount: $18.85)

These 2 tops' a gift for myself for surviving for a month at my new job. I saluted to myself for the sheer determination and willpower for hanging on till today which is also my payday. ;) Workload is getting heavier and so is stress, the one ingredient why most people leave their job. I don't know how long I can last, however I will try my best to overcome all obstacles that crosses comes along my way.

Jia You! Jia You! Jia You!

This also indicate that i need more retail therapy to unwind!!!
