Saturday, June 28, 2008

Shopping at Robinsons

As we were given $100 Robinsons Voucher when we purchased the 40 inch Samsung LCD TV recently, we hung around Raffles City to see of there is anything worth buying. Before we entered Robinsons, we were greeted by lots of posters indicating "Great Singapore Sale" with 15% storewide. Hurray!!

Just within 15 mins, I got 2 pieces of clothings, after trying them on, I decided to buy both the clothings as they are both very comfortable and fitting, and most importantly, there's a 15% discount and with another 20% for Robinsons card member, in total we are looking at 35% off. That's really one hell of a bargain! But if one were to use voucher then it's only 15% discount. After a quick discussion with SGMale, we decided to go for the 35% discount and pay cash instead of using the voucher.

Le'Range short sleeve blouse $39
(After 35% discount: $25.35)

Le'Range short sleeve blouse $29
(After 35% discount: $18.85)

These 2 tops' a gift for myself for surviving for a month at my new job. I saluted to myself for the sheer determination and willpower for hanging on till today which is also my payday. ;) Workload is getting heavier and so is stress, the one ingredient why most people leave their job. I don't know how long I can last, however I will try my best to overcome all obstacles that crosses comes along my way.

Jia You! Jia You! Jia You!

This also indicate that i need more retail therapy to unwind!!!


Friday, June 27, 2008

40 inch Full HD LCD TV

Hey...the 40" LCD TV has arrived for 5 days now and we have already watches more than 5 DVD movies with it...what a record.

We purchased it during the latest PC SHOW at Suntec. The 40" Full HD LCD TV was going at $1699 with free $100 Robinson voucher. SGFemale and myself agreed that it was a good bargain and so we decided on the spot to buy it.

The buttons on the TV are at the top and it is one unattractive feature my son does not like about cos he will not be able to touch them. Muhahahaha!

After watching more than 5 movies with this LCD TV, are we happy with the TV? Are we smiling? IT IS NOT HARD TO IMAGINE! :)


Friday, June 20, 2008

Visit to Singapore Flyer shopping area

We decided to bring my mother-in-law to visit the Singapore Flyer's premises and shopping area since we do not have anywhere to go after have a packeted dinner from Makansutra Glutton's Bay.

There are many more shops now compared to the last time we came. We also bring our son to walk inside the Yakult Rainfores Discovery.

We will definitely ascend the Singapore Flyer once the Casino and IR are ready, we see no point going up down as all anyone could see is a big spread of construction sites...


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dinner at ASTONS express [Jurong East]

Having heard so much about ASTONS, we decided to give it a try last evening. Service was good but waiting time was a bit long. Food is only average especially the steaks.

Dishes we ordered:

Grand Sampler

Pepper Beef Steak

Will go to the main branch to eat someday. The standard may be different. ;)


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What a day!!!

I went to see doctor again this morning. As it was still early, I went to the hawker centre for breakfast. Ordered a bowl of prawn bee hoon soup. The stall lady was kind enough to deliver it to me although its "self-service". It could be because I was sitting close to the stall or that she took pity of "sick people" like me. Hehehe.....

Just as I was about to start eating, I noticed something stunning. Wow... times is really that bad meh? My prawn bee hoon soup only has one prawn in it, so pathetic. Has living standard really gone up by so much? Not long ago, I had prawn bee hoon soup for the same $2, but with 3 prawns, but now.....;( If there is only one prawn, don't name it "prawn" bee hoon lah.... just name it as "bee hoon soup"!!!!

Not very happy with eating just a prawn, I went to the market to get 1kg of prawn. About 40 pcs of prawn for 1 kg and it just costs me $8. So is the hawker taking advantage of the current inflation and anyhow increase their price or simply give less of the food? I even came across one stall, they increased the price of their nasi bryani from $4 to $5, an increase of $1, yet their meat (mutton) was even smaller than before. WHY?????

Later in the afternoon, by chance I found out that I got the "wrong" medical certificate from the clinic. Although my name is correct but they got the wrong identication numbers on it. I even suspect they got the wrong patient card for the doctor. I was right when I went back to the clinic this evening for extension of medical leave. They told me that my doctor was off duty and will only be back tomorrow after 3pm, and asked me to come back again for collection. What a waste of my precious time for their mistake!!!! I am a patient and their "customer"!!! A sick patient instead of resting at home have to come again tomorrow, SIGH!!!

What a day!!!!

- SGFemale

Monday, June 16, 2008

Streets Cafe at Bukit Panjang Plaza

Since both of us have never being there, we decided to try it today since we are going to fetch our son from my parents who stay nearby.

Ambience is nice, seats are comfy but services are not so ideal. Waiters and waitresses do not look out for customer's orders and signals...they are just so busy whizzing in and out of the cashier's area and kitchen.

Windows seat overseeing the LRT track

Some of the dishes we ordered. Food are ok but waiting time is a bit long though.

Asparagus wrapped with Bacons

Fried Wanton

Fried Chicken Wings

Simple Egg/Luncheon meat noodle

Seafood Spaggetti

Drink mixed with Soursop, Longan and some jelly beans

This place would probably be the one and only visit for us.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy 3rd Father's day!!

After dinner, we went to buy a "father's day" cake for SGMale to celebrate with our boy. It was a small 300g blueberry cheesecake and of cos, my boy was very happy and excited when he saw the cake. Both of them were singing " Happy Birthday to Papa" and both of them posed for a few shots and blew the "one and only" candle on the cake.

Blueberry cheesecake

Happy 3rd Father's day, dear!!!!


Father's day dinner

It's the once a year "Father's Day" again today! We bring along SGMale's parents and went to one of the neaby coffeeshop for dinner to celebrate for the "2 fathers". Old folks do not really appreciate restaurant food nowsdays. When we arrived, the place was extremely very crowded and although we have booked a table we were told to wait.

We waited for 10mins, finally got a "non-zi cha" table. I thought, "better than nothing, at least don't have to wait". Then we ordered few common dishes after we settled down. Nightmares begins..... We waited, and waited....... not a single dish arrive after 15mins, then we thought maybe they are busy as they have a lot of orders. another 15 mins passed, my father-in-law went to check our order and was told that our order is still in queue, 3 more order to go.....;p

True enough, our dishes arrived one by one after 20 mins later. So in total, we waited 50mins for our food and 10mins waiting time for the table!!!! And the food didn't turn out good as well! Such disappointment!

Pork ribs with yam

Hot plate beancurd

BBQ stringray

Sweet & sour pork

Lesson learnt: Never eat out at the actual day be it any type of festive seasons...

- SGFemale

Lunch at Pepper Lunch

Today's last day of the PCshow 2008 and in order to the strength and energy to battle with the horrendous crowd inside, we decided to have lunch at Suntec. After walking around, we decided to settle for Pepper Lunch since it has been a while since we last visit to the restaurant at IMM.

The interior of the restaurant is somewhat smiliar across all it's branches.

We ordered the below dishes for our lunch.

They have added a few new items to the menu which we may give it a try one of these days.


Dinner at Sinma Live Seafood

After pestering SGMale for over 3 months, he finally gave in to my lust for the frogleg porridge and the delicious crabs and drive me to Sinma to satisfy my palate.

We ordered the below dishes:

Beancurd with minced-meat $8

Gong-bao frogs (5 frogs)
3 frogs + 2 frogs (free) + porridge = $22


Buttered crab with salted egg (a 1.1kg crab) $42

We finished up every bits of the food crumbs because the food are simply so finger-licking good. This is already our 10th visit to the restaurant and counting... Thanks for the nice dinner, dear!

Remember, if you are fussing over what to eat for dinner, you may want to give this restaurant a try.

Sinma Live Seafood
161-163 Geyland Road Lorong 3
#01-01/02 Singapore 389239
Tel: 67432201/ 68484161


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Shopping at Kiddy Palace!

After dinner, we went shopping at Causeway Point and with our son around, how could we not go to Kiddy Palace. He ran the moment he stepped into the store, poor both SGMale and I got to chase after him, at times, we even lost sight of him. Luckily, he was shouting and screaming while running henceforth we were able to track him down easily. ;)

We walked around the store and finally decided to buy him a set of battery-operated train set. He was very happy and excited cos he already got a set at my in-law's house.

Train set (front view of the box)

Train set (Back view of the box)

Woodcraft construction kit
- Angel Fish
- Fighter Plane
- Porsche-888
- Colourful rings

So for the next few days, both of us will be playing train with him. Hey! It's a perfect bonding for the 3 of us too! And it's fun to be young again!

- SGFemale

Dinner at Cavana - Causeway Point

After a long day at work, we decide to unwind ourselves. SGMale suggested to going Causeway point for some shopping and dinner. Upon reaching there, SGMale suggested Cavana. We both likes their chicken wings cos they are simply so crispy and nice.

Hotplate black pepper beef rice

Cavana Classic chicken wings

Cranberry pop

Salmon curry baked rice

Noticed that there's a lot more new dishes in their menu, think we would go back there next time to try some of them, not giving their chicken wings a miss, hahaha....;p


Monday, June 9, 2008

Newton Food Centre

After fetching SGFemale from work, we decided to have some local food for dinner and the first place that comes to mind is the famous Newton Food Centre.

There are lots of carpark space and countless food stalls for you to choose for. We are always spolit for choices whenever we are there.

After much considerations, we ordered the below for dinner, prices for these food has gone up drastically, just 4 dishes & 2 cups of lime juices cost us $31.

BBQ Stingray

Fried Oyster

BBQ Chicken Wings


We will definitely be back again to try out other stalls and delicacies.
