Thursday, May 8, 2008


Bought 3 SCRATCH IT tickets yesterday during lunch time with SGMale. I got excited when I saw it on sale again, it's back after 2 years or so. This time, it's only $1 for a ticket, I remembered clearly that it was $2 last time. Anyway, isn't it better when it's cheaper now! Hee...;p

Below are some information for the SCRATCH IT! :

The Race Queen (Red) Series Scratch on the game panel to reveal 8 symbols. If you find 3 matching symbols, you stand to win up to $10,000!

I scratched the first ticket, oh my god..... I shouted! Got chance, got chance! I told SGMale who was driving. I then told him that I have got two "$2000" value on the first line, and if I got another "$2000" value then we will win $2000. Yeah! Then I scratched the second line, but there's no value of "$2000" at all, very disappointed! I went on scratching the other 2 tickets, no luck as well!

1st ticket - with two "$2000" value

2nd ticket - with two "$40", two "$500" and two "$10,000", why?

3rd and last ticket: with two "$40" and two "$10,000".

3 pcs of "rubbish" now!!!

Hopefully I can have better luck next time.
