My 5 pcs of "hope"
Example of my "hope" (just win one time of the below will do!)
I scratched the tickets one by one, slowly and carefully! Done with the 3rd pcs, but still no luck!
Then I told SGMale, is it so difficult to even win $1? SGMale laughed at me for having such small "hope".
Ignoring him, I continued scratching till the last ticket. god! I shouted again!
What? What? SGMale asked. You won the big prize of $10,000? He asked. I replied, no lah, just got a damn $1 that I "hoped" earlier. SGMale congratulated me and said that my dream had came true and my prayer has been answered. He also said today is my lucky day as it's Mother's Day and I should have "wished" for a higher prize!
My 1st winning ticket, $1. (the smallest winning amount of all amount!)
Winning ticket and "rubbishs"<--fate for non-winning tickets.
Nevermind, I won't be defeated so easily! I will try again soon!
Wish me luck!