Didn't sleep well last night cos I was having diarrhea just before I went to bed. Mainly because I am nervous about starting work today. Whenever I am nervous and stressed out, I will have butterflies roam wildly inside the stomach & uncontrollable diarrhea bothering me. But then, It could also be the dinner that I had, cod fish and grilled prawns. Maybe they are not well-cooked, or maybe it's because of food-poisoning, seafood mixing with Choya.
Conclusion: Diarrhea - I have a very weak stomach. hehehe..
However, this kind of weird feeling [a.k.a fear] goes away or "escape" once I am in the office. Haha... Why is it so? I don't know the reason myself. Maybe if I do someday, I can be a doctor, hee...;p
Ok, back to my first day at work. First, I am very impressed by the newly renovated office with its interior design, their cosy and state-of-the Art work-stations, their "hotel-standard" toilets and their well-equiped pantry with Nescafe instant coffee maker etc.
Hm... I was thinking and day-dreaming about my dream desk when the HR executive briefed me on the company policy etc. Afterwhich, he brought me around to the 2nd storey office for orientation and introduction. I was then getting more and more impressed as we past by more office areas. Lastly, he told me we are done and he will bring me to the warehouse area to see my office area. We pass through another bigger pantry before arriving at the warehouse. The warehouse consists of 2 levels, with cartons stacked neatly.
Then he brings me through a side door at the warehouse, he commented 'There's your work-station'. I stepped in, and I had the shock of my life. I was utterly stunt and stood there staring blankly at the 'dream desk' and at the same time feeling very disappointed and sorry for myself. Why? Why? Why??? There isn't any computer on the desk at all and a messy desk greeted me.
OMG! I sms-ed SGMale, he said "hahaha", nevermind lah, so long they can pay you well, so be it. Ok lor, I thought to myself, at least I got an aircon blowing at me, and that I won't be complaining about the hot weather like I did so everyday at home. What's more? It's free aircon and at the same time, hair-dryer cos it's blowing at my hair all the time, scattering my "dandruff" to all others.