Monday, October 19, 2009

Bamboo Charcoal King

Heard from a friend that placing Charcoal at home is good for health as it aids to block off Electromagnetic radiation, removes odour and is ideal for people who are allergic to dust mites.

As SGson is allergic to dust mites and is sleeping in the studyroom with no "protection", SGFemale bought 2 packs of Bamboo Charcoal to place it in the room.

Some info from the net:

Bamboo charcoal is 100% natural , healthy , practical product, and is chemical-free.

What are the functions of Bamboo Charcoal ?

- Bamboo charcoal deodorizes, dehumidifies, prevents mildew formation, anti-bacteria, anti-dust mites and insect.

- Released far infrared rays and negative ions, promotes blood circulationg and metabolism.

- Water purifier and release natural minerals.

- Absorbs electromagnetic waves.

- Environmental friendly and recyclable.

More informations at:

- SGFemale

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Birthday Celebrations

On SGFemale's birthday eve, the SG family had dinner at Jurong Point at a newly opened casual European Dining - Ambush. We ordered a main dish each and a side dish for sharing.

After dinner, we shopped around for a while then proceed to the basement at new wing to get a cake for SGFemale. SGson wanted to personally decorate a cake for his mummy, so we went to a cake shop called The Icing Room.

The Icing Room is a place for do-it-yourself cakes. They will provide you with a fresh cream fruit cake, some colourful sugar flowers and some coloured pipings cream for decoration and wordings.

Isn't it a good idea?
You can personally decorate the cake in your own way and surprise your loved ones.

As SGson is too young and he couldn't draw and write so well, SGMale decorate the cake on his behalf. The 3 of them had so much fun there!!!!
We cut the cake the next day which is SGFemale's actual birthday, 3 of us finished the whole cake as our breakfast.
Hm... It was nice and soft. Yummy!

We had dinner with our friends at Two Chefs Eating Place at Commonwealth, these are the dishes that they ordered before we arrive.

Butter pork ribs

We all loves their butter pork ribs!!!!

Marmite Chicken - very crispy and nice

Their 'signboard dish', tofu, nice with rice.

Stir fried veggies - so-so

Black pepper crabs

We don't really like their black pepper crabs, still prefer the ones at Jumbo Seafood.

However, we enjoyed the dinner and went for some coffee session and chit chat.
- SGFemale

Friday, October 9, 2009

A disgusting experience!!!


Pls do not read this blog if you are eating at this moment !!!

While having some snack and coffee on the sofa, watching TV for relaxation. SGFemale turned her body to reach out for the cup of coffee she make and left it beside the display cabinet top which is just about 20cm from her eye-level angle.

SGFemale got a shock and almost screamed out loud!!!!

Beside her is a dead, bloody and disgusting lizard glued to the tape of a dropped-off cabinet protector!!!

SGFemale quickly stand up and run away from the sofa.

Sitting about 1.5m away from the dead lizard, SGFemale tried to calm down and watch quietly! SGFemale thought to herself, should she dispose this disgusting lizard or to wait for SGMale to come home then he will do it.

SGFemale is so scared and afraid of lizards, whenever she saw one or a few on the wall or ceiling, she would be running and screaming away..... And this time, it was right before her eyes and she was home alone with this dead disgusting lizard. She thought for a while, due to hygiene needs for the family and SGson, she decided to dispose it herself.

With some courage, SGFemale forced herself forward toward the lizard, with the help of some tissue paper, she tried to pull the whole lizard out but in vain cos it was glued to the tape and cabinet tightly. No choice, SGFemale use her fingernails with the tissue papers on top of it, and scrape the lizard off bit by bit.....Run to the kitchen and throw the bundle of tissue papers down to the rubbish chute!!!!

I did it! I did it! I did it myself !!!!

SGFemale's heart is still beating very fast........

- SGFemale

Birthday present (Part 2)

While both SGMale and SGFemale were in Paris......

SGMale: Dear, see if you like anything here, I shall get it for you for your birthday gift.

SGFemale: No, no need cos I already have a gift (D&G watch) from you before we came to paris.

SGMale: But you don't have a LV bag!!!

SGFemale: It's ok!!!

SGMale: Come on, it's a good bargain to get it in Paris, moreover I knew you hope to own for one long ago. I insisted we get one here.

SGFemale: Don't waste money lah.... Should save cos I haven't got a job yet.

SGMale: Nvm, just get it, cos we might not be coming back to Paris, it's really a good steal to get it here than in Singapore.

SGFemale: Ok, since you insist. (Hee.....) (SGFemale feeling touched and happy in her heart)

After an hour, and after some hesitation, and after seeing so many designs, SGFemale finally settled with a LV Damier Canvas Tate PM.

Yes, it was a bargain. It costs Euro 615, and after 12% tax refund, it is Euro 541.20.
Euro 541 is SGD $1141.51, and it is sellling at SGD $1440 in Singapore.
A total saving of SGD $300.

SGMale also bought a LV Men's Wallet for himself.

Note for SGMale: Thanks for the 2nd birthday present, dear!

PS: today is the eve of my birthday!!!!
Stay tune for any updates of SGFemale's birthday celebrations!!!!

- SGFemale

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Going around the world

Some people love to see the world, experience cultures of every kind and type. Mingling with people from another part of the world. Well...SGMale and SGFemale are such people and very soon perhaps SGSon too...haha. =P

Countries we have been to so far till date [Oct 2009]:

[Malaysia ]
- Johor Bahru [2000]
- Kukup [2008]
- Kuala Lumpur [2002]
- Malacca [2008]
- Genting [2009]
- Pontian [2008]
- Penang (SGFemale) [1982]
- Langawi [2002]

HongKong [Dec 2003]

Japan [Jan 2003]
- Osaka
- Ginza
- Shinjuku
- Yokohama

Taiwan [Jul 2004]
- Taipei

Korea [Apr 2008]
- Seoul
- Jeju


- Jiangnan [ Shanghai, Wuxi, Nanjing, Wuzhen, Suzhou] [Jun 2007]
- Yunnan [Shangri-la, Dali, Li Jiang] [Oct 2008]


- Phuket [2002]
- Bangkok [SGFemale - 2000]


- Bintan [2008]
- Batam [2005]


- Germany [Oct 2009]
- Switzerland [Oct 2009]
- France [Oct 2009]

We are hoping to visit North America countries like Canada and US and Hokkaido in Japan and of course Australia by 2011. And ultimately some countries in Africa and also some countries like Brazli, Peru and Argentina at South America by 2013.
